Tek's Police

Custom Made Saddle Pads

Tek Marciniak

Tek Marciniak Formerly with Tampa P.D. and Jefferson Co. S.O, Dundee Scotland City Police, United States Marine Core, Military Police Vietnam

Anne Anderson

Anne Anderson Former Sgt., Cincinnati Police, Division - Graduate, FBINA class # 176, 1994

Law Enforcement Equipment

Mounted Police Worldwide is a division of Police Equipment Worldwide LLC. We provide a range of law enforcement & mounted police equipment for officers and horses including mounted police helmets, police boots and mounted police breeches.

Additionally, we stock a full range of police horse riot protection & training aids. The police horse riot protection includes Nose Guard/Visors, leg protectors and full body riot blankets. Police horse training equipment includes crowd control training balls and a range of DVD's and books.

Free Consultation - From Certified Mounted Police Instructors regarding equipment and training.


Owned & run by former law enforcement officers.


Safe & Fast


We ship, all over the world.